Property Abroad
Cities in Italy where mortgages are cheaper than rental housing

Cities in Italy where mortgages are cheaper than rental housing

Cities in Italy where mortgages are cheaper than rental housing

Caro Vita: cities in Italy where it is more advantageous to buy rather than rent real estate

October5,2023,13:26 Federica Petrucci

Price comparison gives a clear idea about the cities in Italy where it is more advantageous to buy a property than to rent it. What is more advantageous - mortgage or rent? Thanks to various simulations, Altroconsumo was able to compare prices for sale and rent in eight Italian cities, providing a clear picture of the current situation in Italy, where buying a property is more profitable than renting it..

"What's more beneficial - mortgage or rent?"?"

Considering the rise in mortgage interest rates, is it more advantageous to have a mortgage for purchasing a home or to pay rent? In an attempt to answer this question, Altroconsumo took into account various factors, starting with the stability of mortgage payments. An interesting fact that became evident from the calculations is that often the monthly mortgage payment is lower than the rent in many cities. However, it is important to note that banks almost never lend the full value of the property, limiting themselves to a maximum of 80% of the appraised value set by the appraiser. Additionally, one must consider the extra costs associated with purchasing a home. Those without initial capital are unlikely to afford investing in real estate, even if it is more advantageous than renting. To rent an apartment, one often needs to pay a deposit or several months' rent in advance, as stipulated in the contract, which is generally a smaller amount than the required down payment when buying a house. Another factor is that to obtain a mortgage, one must be considered reliable by the bank and be able to pay a monthly payment that usually cannot exceed one-third of the borrower's monthly income. That is, if the salary is 1500 euros, the monthly payment cannot exceed 500 euros. As experts advise, in such cases, it is easier to rent a small apartment while waiting to purchase a larger home (or there is always the option to request a rent-to-own agreement). This is especially true in cities where rental prices continue to rise (by the way, here is a ranking of cities with the highest rental rates for students).

Comparison of prices: where mortgages are cheaper than rent

The Altroconsumo study focused on 8 Italian cities, taking into account the cost of renting and selling real estate in different neighborhoods. Specifically, the following cities were analyzed: Milan, Bergamo, Brescia, Bologna, Rome, Turin, Naples, and Palermo. The analysis was based on a hypothetical purchase of a two-room apartment with an area of 60 square meters in three suburban areas. Then, rental prices for the same type of apartment were recorded. Finally, a comparison was made between the rent and the monthly mortgage payment for a first home at 80% for a term of 30 years. But where is the mortgage cheaper than the rent (and vice versa)? Here’s what the data says.

  • InMilan:In the Farini area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 240,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in the same area costs around 1,000 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 192,000 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be about 862 euros. In the Porta Romana area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 280,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in the same area costs around 1,100 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 224,000 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be about 1,006 euros.
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In the Lambrate area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 260,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in the same area costs around 1,300 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 208,000 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be about 943 euros.
  • In Bergamo:In the city center, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 110,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in the same area costs around 800 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 88,000 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be about 395 euros. In the Boccaleone area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is around 98,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in that area also costs about 800 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 78,400 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be approximately 352 euros. In the Santa Caterina area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is 85,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in that area costs around 600 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 68,000 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be about 305 euros.
  • In Brescia:In the Ospedale area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 75,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in that area costs around 550 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 60,000 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be about 269 euros. In the Brescian area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is around 68,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in that area costs about 580 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 54,400 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be around 244 euros. In the Carmine area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 70,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in that area costs about 600 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 56,000 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be around 251 euros.
  • In Bologna:In the San Donato area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 259,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in the same area costs around 1,100 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 207,200 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be about 971 euros. In the Bologna area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 249,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in the same area costs around 900 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 199,200 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be about 934 euros. In the Santo Stefano area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 289,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in the same area costs around 1,300 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 231,200 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be about 1,084 euros.
  • InRome:In the Pineto area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 265,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in the same area costs around 1,100 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 212,000 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be about 994 euros. In the Centocelle area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is around 115,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in that area costs about 800 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 92,000 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be approximately 431 euros. In the Alessandrino area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is around 125,000 euros, while renting the same type of apartment in that area costs about 800 euros per month. If buyers were to apply for a mortgage of 100,000 euros for their first home, the monthly payment would be around 469 euros.
  • In Turin:In the Crocetta area, the average cost of purchasing an apartment of about 60 square meters is approximately 144,000 euros, while renting a similar apartment in the same area costs around 530 euros per month.
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