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Evergrande liquidation hearing postponed to January 29 - Italian and World News - South Tyrol

Evergrande liquidation hearing postponed to January 29 - Italian and World News - South Tyrol

Перенос слушаний по ликвидации "Эвергранде" на 29 января - Новости Италии и мира - Южный Тироль

Home Page Italia-Mondo Evergrande, hearing on liquidation ... Judge asks for 'direct dialog on possibility of restructuring'

December04, 2023

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PEKING (ANSA) - BEIJING, Dec 04 - The hearing of Evergrande's liquidation case before the Hong Kong High Court has been postponed again until January 29, 2024: the Chinese real estate developer, saddled with about $330 billion in debt, has been given time for its restructuring plan. Judge Linda Chan explained her decision, saying Evergrande's lawyers should "communicate more directly with the proper authorities to confirm the feasibility" of the plan. The lawsuit was filed by Top Shine Global, one of the many creditors of the group, which has been in default since the end of 2021. Evergrande shares rose 13% on the stock exchange after the postponement. (ANSA).

December04, 2023

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